Monday, May 02, 2011

New Work Images

I absolutely cannot believe there are only three weeks of school left.  Normally next week would be dead week, but since we clean the studios during finals week that puts the art students ahead by a week.  Yeah! I do say this sarcastically as the realization sank into to my unprepared brain that this week would actually be dead week.  Hell week would really be a better term for it.  I vowed I would go back to school after dinner and stay up all night working but I couldn't convince my sleepy self to do it.  Tomorrow I will have to be better prepared with packed meals, snacks, rewards, anything that will keep me going because I have tons of stuff to do.  Did I say TONS of stuff?  Oh boy, I do NOT have time for sleep.  So bring on the veggies, vitamins, brain food and could you throw in some extra energy, pleas

By the way, here are some more images from my culminating exhibition.  I can barely believe I will be graduating in three weeks.  It felt like it was going to be so far away and for so long.  Not anymore.  I will officially graduate in three weeks with my Bachelor of Arts Degree.  Excited and relieved are understatements.  I am falling asleep as I type so forgive me if anything is illegible.  Have a great week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, wow, wow....I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am of you. What a wonderful accomplishment for you. Congrats!!